Selasa, 26 Juni 2012



Tahukah Anda bahwa tambang emas terbesar di dunia itu adalah di Grasberg Papua - Indonesia dgn produksi 40.9 ton per tahun? Jika 1 gram emas = 300 ribu. 1 kilogram = 300 juta. 1 ton = 300 M. 40.9 ton = 12.3 Trliun/ tahun.
Itulah produksi "sampingan” PT. Freeport. Kenapa disebut produksi sampingan PT. Freeport, karena produksi utama PT. FI adalah tembaga yang besarnya 18 juta ton. Perak 3400 ton. Kandungan emas terbukti di tambang Grasberg Papua saja (belum termasuk area tambang freeport di area lain di papua) = 1600 Ton. Dengan harga 300 ribu/ gram (harga pasar sudah di atas 400 ribu/gram) didapatkan total = 480 triliun. Jika 50% saja kembali ke Papua, sudah kaya raya. Jika 480 triliun itu dibagi ke 2.8 juta penduduk papua. Rata-rata per orang punya kekayaaan = Rp. 171 juta per orang, termasuk bayi yg baru lahir.

Itu baru dari emas di 1 (baca : satu) gunung emas di papua dari belasan gunung emas yang dimiliki. Dan hanya baru dari emas saja. Belum lainnya. Dari hasil tembaga di Grasberg saja ( tidak termasuk lainnya) Freeport menghasilkan USD 178 milyar atau Rp. 1.600 triliun. Jika 1.600 triliun tersebut dibagi rata ke 2.8 juta penduduk Papua, masing-masing per orang akan menerima
= Rp. 5.715 juta. Hampir 6 milyar/orang. Ditambah produksi perak yang terdapat di area tambang Garsberg saja total pendapatan freeport adalah USD 298 Milyar atau Rp. 2.682 triliun. Jika Rp. 2.682 triliun hasil kekayaan emas, tembaga dan perak yg di Grasberg Papua itu saja dibagi 2.8 juta penduduk = Rp. 9.8 milyar !!

Penduduk Papua punya pendapatan per kapita Rp. 9.8 M selama 47 tahun atau rata-rata ICP = Rp. 208 juta per tahun. Hanya dari Grasberg !! Tapi tahukah Anda berapa royalti yg dibayar Freeport dan seluruh usaha tambang mineral di Indonesia? Hanya Rp. 12 Triliun / tahun. Contoh : tahun 2007, pendapatan yang dilaporkan Freeport USD 5.13 Milyar. Pajak yang dibayar hanya USD 1.3 milyar dan royalti USD 133 juta. Berapa keuntungan PT. freeport tahun 2007 itu setelah dipotong pajak dan royalti ? USD 3.234 juta atau Rp. 29 triliun !!!!

Adalah negara di dunia ini yg "sebodoh" Pemerintah Republik Indonesia (RI) ? Dimana-mana hasil tambang itu lebih 50%-nya dinikmati negara.. bukan kontraktor! Bagaimana bisa diterima akal sehat, negara terima pendapatan total hanya 13 Triliun sedangkan PT Freeport untung bersih 29 Triliun? (2007) Total pendapatan PT. Freeport 2004-08 = USD 17.893 milyar atau Rp. 161 triliun. Total untuk RI = USD 4.481 milyar atau Rp. 40 Triliun. Hebatkan? Freeport untung bersih Rp. 121 triliun kurun waktu 2004-08, penerimaan negara hanya 40 triliun dari laba kotor Rp. 161 Triliun. Sebagai bentuk sedekah.. PT. freeport keluarkan 1% untuk rakyat papua... selama kurun waktu 2004-8 rakyat Papua dapat 1% atau Rp. 1.61 Triliun.

 Apakah negara kita pernah audit berapa sebenarnya kandungan emas, tembaga, perak dan lain-lain yg ada di konsesi tambang Freeport? Tidak pernah. Padahal luas tambang Grassberg itu hanya seperlima dari luas tambang Freeport yg 2.6 juta ha atau 6% dari luas papua. Jika kita punya presiden yang mau nasionalisasi tambang Freeport seperti Venezuela atau Bolivia, RI tidak perlu ngemis-ngemis cari utang ke Bank Dunia. Saya kaget ketika wamen ESDM bilang pajak batubara kita hanya 25% dan royalti max 6%. Total 31%. Negara rugi, kontraktor kaya raya. Bagaimana bisa, batubara yang lebih gampang exploitasinya dikenakan royalti dan pajak bagian negara yang lebih rendah dibandingkan migas? Edan! Harusnya batubara dan tambang mineral lainnya juga diperlakukan seperti migas. 70-80% bagian untuk negara, 20-30% untuk kontraktor.

 Semua elemen bangsa, utamanya DPR harus berani desak pemerintah realisasikan Pasal 33 UUD kita. Sudah saatnya kita berhenti jadi bangsa pengemis. Tahukah Anda sebagian besar galian tambang di Freeport itu tidak diolah di Papua tapi tanahnya langsung dikapalkan dan dikirim ke luar negeri? Dulu Bakrie dapat 10% saham divestasi papua tapi setahun kemudian dijual lagi dengan harga berlipat-lipat.. kejar rente aja. Kita bisa harapkan renegosiasi kontrak tambang-tambang kita pada Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). SBY sudah akui AS sebagai negara keduanya. Dia tidak peduli dengan nasib rakyat RI (Terutama PAPUA).

 Apakah Jakarta/ Freeport pernah peduli dengan Papua? Apakah ada SD, SMP, SMA, PT terbaik dibangun di Papua? Tidak. Supaya rakyat Papua tetap bodoh. Apakah Jakarta/Freeport ada bangun jalan lintas Papua? tidak ada. Supaya akses ke tambang-tambang kekayaan alam itu tidak bisa ditembus publik. China menawarkan pembangunan jalan trans papua gratis kepada RI. RI menolak karena AS tidak setuju. Adalah Rumah sakit terbaik dibangun di Papua? Tidak ! Rakyat papua tidak pernah mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan terbaik. Infrastruktur publik di Papua paling buruk di seluruh Indonesia. Disengaja demikian agar papua tidak bisa maju. Rakyatnya tak boleh pintar. Rakyat papua yang mau dapatkan sekolah dan pelayanan kesehatan terbaik harus ke jawa. Sekolah di UGM atau berobat di Jakarta/Surabaya. Padahal Papua adalah daerah yang tingkat penyebaran AIDS-nya tertinggi di Indonesia.. Kenapa bisa Jakarta tidak peduli? Sengaja?

 Jakarta menyuap Papua dengan bikin kaya dan bikin mabok elit papua. Membiarkan korupsi gila-gilaan oleh pejabat-pejabat Papua. Rakyatnya menderita. Papua punya semuanya : emas, tembaga, migas, perak, uranium, hutan, laut yang kaya ikan, bahkan batubara. Kemana itu semua? China dengan cadangan devisanya terbesar di dunia & butuh pekerjaan/investasi telah sukses bangun infrasturktur gratis di Afrika. RI menolak. Sama halnya ketika Malaysia tawarkan jembatan semananjung Malaka - Sumatera gratis ke RI. Hatta Rajasa menolak (Takut). 
Saya pernah berkunjung ke HPH PT. Irmasulindo di Papua. Kalo ga salah dapat konsensi 390.000 ha. Kayu-kayu Papua ditebang, dijual. Setelah kayu-kayu hutan habis ditebang, lahan ditanami kelapa sawit. Benar-benar kekayaan alam yang luar biasa. Apakah ada utk rakyat Papua? Hutan di Papua menurut karyawan PT. Irma sulindo lebih gampang ditebang dar ipada hutan di Sumatera. Geografinya lebih mudah. Kayak ATM bank.

 Saya pernah ketemu dengan karyawan Freport warga asli Papua. Tamatan Australia. Dia tidak bisa jadi direksi. Jabatan GM mentok. Gak boleh. Lalu dia datang ke Jakarta beserta beberapa orang tokoh Papua. Nginap di hotel Sentral Pramuka. Mau ketemu Fredy Numberi, Hatta, Mustafa, SBY. Mereka mau nuntut ada warga asli Papua jadi direksi di Freeport. Ujung-ujungnya dia ditawari uang USD 2 juta dan diancam. Disuruh pulang. Oh ya..yang fasilitasi karyawan Freeport yang mau nuntut jadi direksi FI itu adalah Henky Luntungan dan Subur Budisantoso, elit PD. Gagal.

 Saya baca hasil riset Marwan Batubara tentang Papua dan Freeport. Mau nangis lihat negara ini dirampok oleh elitnya sendiri. Gak usah jauh-jauh, Anda datang ke Jayapura. Pagi-pagi anda pasti mudah jumpai warga asli Papua pake koteka, mabuk dan minta uang (ngemis). 1986 Amin Rais yang pertama sekali angkat isu Freeport jadi isu nasional. Suharto marah. Amin rais jadi musuh negara. Sekarang Amin sudah pikun?

sumber: @TrioMacan2000

English :
"Papuans sleep in chunks of gold"

Did you know that the world's largest gold mine in Grasberg is Papua - Indonesia with production of 40.9 tons per year? If 1 gram of gold = 300 thousand. 1 kilogram = 300 million. 1 ton = 300 M. 40.9 tons = 12.3 Trliun / year.
That's production of "byproduct" of PT. Freeport. Why is the production side of PT. Freeport, because the primary production of PT. FI is the amount of copper which 18 million tons. Silver 3400 tons. Proven gold content at the Grasberg mine in Papua alone (not including the Freeport mine area in Another area in Papua) = 1600 tons. With a price of 300 thousand / g (above the market price was 400 thousand / g) obtained total = 480 trillion. If 50% have returned to Papua, already wealthy. If 480 billion is divided into 2.8 million people of Papua. average per person have a wealth = Rp. 171 million per person, including the new-born baby.

That's just from the gold in 1 (read: one) a mountain of gold in the mountains of Papua from dozens of gold owned. New only from gold and just. Others have not. From the results of the Grasberg copper alone (excluding other) Freeport generate USD 178 billion or Rp. 1600 trillion. If 1600 is divided equally trillion to 2.8 million people of Papua, each per person would receive = Rp. 5715 million. Nearly 6 billion / person. Plus the production of silver contained in the mine area freeport Garsberg only total income is USD 298 billion or Rp. 2682 trillion. If Rp. 2682 trillion the wealth of gold, copper and silver at the Grasberg mine in Papua which was only divided by population = 2.8 million USD. 9.8 billion!

Papuan population have per capita income of Rp. 9.8 M for 47 years or the average ICP = Rp. 208 million per year. Only from the Grasberg!! But you know how many paid-up royalty Freeport and all mineral mining business in Indonesia? Only Rp. 12 trillion / year. Example: In 2007, Freeport reported earnings Billion USD 5:13. The tax is paid only USD 1.3 billion and USD 133 million in royalties. What is the advantage of PT. freeport in 2007 that after taxes and royalties? USD 3234 million or Rp. 29 trillion!

This is a country in the world who "stupid" the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI)? Every where the mine is over 50% of them enjoyed the country .. not the contractor! How can it be acceptable to common sense, the state received a total income of only 13 trillion while net profit of PT Freeport 29 Trillion? (2007) Total revenue PT. Freeport 2004-08 = USD 17 893 billion Rp. 161 trillion. Total for RI = USD 4481 billion or Rp. 40 Trillion. Hebatkan? Freeport net profit of Rp. 121 trillion in the period 2004-08, state revenue is only 40 trillion of gross profit of Rp. 161 Trillion. As a form of charity .. PT. freeport to spend 1% of the people of Papua ... during the period 2004-8 the people of Papua are 1% or Rp. 1.61 trillion.

 Is our country ever audit how the actual content of gold, copper, silver and other mining concession that was in Freeport? Never.
 Though widely Grassberg mine was only a fifth of the Freeport mine area which 2.6 million ha or 6% of papua. If we have a president who would nationalize mines like Venezuela or Bolivia Freeport, RI does not need to be beggars, beggars looking for debt to the World Bank. I was shocked when wamen of Energy says coal taxes us only 25% and 6% royalty max. Total of 31%. Income countries, a wealthy contractor. How is it easier exploitasinya coal royalty and tax the lower parts of the country than oil? Crazy! Should coal and other mineral mines are also treated like oil and gas. 70-80% to the country, 20-30% for contractors.

 All elements of the nation, especially the House urge the government should dare to Article 33 of the Constitution realized. It is time we stop being a nation of beggars. Did you know most of the excavation at the Freeport mine in Papua is not processed but shipped direct land and shipped overseas? Bakrie first to divest 10% stake in Papua but a year later sold at a price many times over .. rents chase wrote. We can expect to renegotiate our contract mines in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). SBY has recognized the U.S. as the two countries. He does not care about the fate of the people of Indonesia (especially PAPUA).

 Is Jakarta / Freeport been concerned with Papua? Are there any elementary, junior high school, built in Papua PT's best? No. So that the people of Papua remained ignorant. Is Jakarta / Freeport Papua have built the causeway? no. So that access to the mines of the natural wealth that can not penetrate the public. China offers free papua trans roads to RI. RI refused because the U.S. does not agree. The hospital is the best built in Papua? No! Papua folk never get the best health care. Public infrastructure in the worst Papua in Indonesia. Intentional so that Papua could not go forward. People should not be smart. People of Papua are willing to get the best schools and health services have to java. School at GMU or treatment in Jakarta / Surabaya. Papua is the fact that the spread of AIDS was highest in Indonesia .. Why can not care about Jakarta? Deliberately?

 Jakarta Papua bribe to make the rich and the elite makes papua drunk. Leaving the frenzy of corruption by officials of Papua. People suffer. Papua has everything: gold, copper, oil, silver, uranium, forests, fish-rich seas, and even coal. Where it all? China with the largest reserves in the world and need a job / infrastructure investment has been successful up for free in Africa. RI refused. Similarly, when offering bridge semananjung Malacca Malaysia - Sumatra free to RI. Hatta Rajasa rejected (Fear).
I've been to HPH PT. Irmasulindo in Papua. If ga one concession to 390 000 ha. Papua timber harvested for sale. Once the timber out of forests felled, the land planted with oil palm. Truly extraordinary natural wealth. Is there for the people of Papua? Forests in Papua by employees of PT. Irma sulindo ipada easier to cut dar forest in Sumatra. Geography more easily. Like a bank ATM.

 I've met with employees Freport Papuans. Australia graduate. He can not be directors. GM stuck position. Not allowed. Then he came to Athens and some other Papuan people. Staying at the hotel Central Scouting. Want to see Fredy Numberi, Hatta, Mustafa, SBY. They demanded that there would be directors of Papuans in the Freeport. In the end he was offered money USD 2 million and threatened. Sent home. Oh yes .. the facilitation of Freeport employees who will be directors demanded that FI is Henky Lunt and Fertile Budisantoso, PD elite. Failed.

 Marwan research I read about Papua and Freeport Coal. Want to see the country is crying robbed by their own elites. Not mind all the way, you come to Jayapura. In the morning you would easily come across a native of Papua pake koteka, drunk and asking for money (begging). 1986 Amin Rais, who first raise the issue of Freeport become a national issue. Suharto angry. Amin Rais to be enemies of the state. Now Amin was senile?

source: @ TrioMacan2000

2 komentar:

  1. nego ulang kontrak freeport. presiden mundur saja ganti yang lain yang berani.

  2. Miris.... tragis.... sadis....
    selama pemerintah pro Amerika dan menghianati rakyat... selama itu pula Indonesia jadi negara bonekanya Amerika.
